
Sunday, 29 March 2020

One month in

(Written one month in - i.e. at the start of February, 2020)

I've been engaged in this for a month now. It's still early days, I admit, yet I feel that I've built up a lot of momentum. I've got the ball rolling - better, I feel, than ever before. I have never applied myself to learning a language at anything like the same level. And yet it remains to be seen whether I can keep it up when I resume my employment.

I'll need to streamline how I operate at work. I'll need to carve out some space and not allow work to expand to fill the available time. I need to reserve two hours per day doing languages. That's necessary for physical maintenance, house-holding, family and the rest of it. I'm talking about a balanced lifestyle.

In January I must have put in 2 to 3 hours daily. I spent it on 10 languages. So I spent 6 to 9 hours on average for each one.

I'm finding it extremely addictive. The time is devoid of all stress, and I'm already sensing improvements. This is certainly the way to go - for me at east.

The main differences between this time and previous, is that I'm diligent about spending short periods, and I'm delaying listening. (I may refrain from listening for as much as a year.)

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